Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Construction Chaos

Professor Scully broke our New Media class up into groups of three or four people to work on news packages for the rest of the semester. My team consists of Ben Camobreco, Max Covill and myself. For our first assignment I took on the roll of producer as well as the on-camera reporter, Ben was the camera man, and Max was the editor on Final Cut Pro. Our group chemistry was very nice because we were all able to fall into our rolls easily.

For our first news package assignment, Professor Scully asked us to report on Something happening on the Roger Williams University campus. My team (which we named Team 007) decided to report on the construction that is taking place all around North Campus. We chose this topic because it is something that every Roger Williams student sees every day, and the detours and blocked roads lead to a very messy commute to campus.

The current construction that students are seeing now is the underground foundation being put into place for a new dorm that will be located in the area that is currently the tennis courts. Other plans for campus renovation include new north campus classrooms and new tennis courts. The entire project is expected to be completed by the Fall of 2009 and will cost roughly 89 million dollars.

I am very happy with our finished product. For our first news story, I believe we all did a very good job. I especially like our B-Roll which shows images of the construction in every area. The weather was a bit nasty when we decided to shoot my stand-up, but there really wasn't anything we could do about that, but next time we will check the weather report and try to shoot on a nicer day.

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