Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Senior Wishes

For our next news package assignment, we were given the topic of "seniors." This was a very broad assignment, so coming up with an idea was a bit challenging. Team 007 and I decided on the idea of "Senior Advice to Freshman: Top 10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was a Freshman." We decided to keep the same rolls as last time, and I was once again the producer and reporter, while Ben Camobreco played the roll of the camera man, and Max Covill edited the project.

For this news package we chose a beautiful sunny day at Roger Williams, and set up our video camera in the quad between the library and the School of Business. We stopped people who we knew were seniors (and jumped at a few who we didn't know) and asked them the question, "as a senior, what is one thing you wish you knew when you were a freshman?" We got a great mix of answers which included everything from where you can find condoms on campus, to a warning on how fast school flies by. We were even shocked when I asked one senior what he wished he knew, and his answer was "you." I was very thrown off by his answer and obviously began to blush quite a bit.

We interviewed about 14 people, so we could pick our favorite ten responses, and looking back on the completed video, I wish we replaced the clip of me getting hit on. It was very funny at the time and I thought it would add a whimsical feel to the movie, but i think we should have saved it for the "Blooper Reel" instead. Another critique of our news package was with my sign-off. Again, to keep the movie light-hearted, I decided to do a 007 pose when I said "Team 007." We shot two different sign-offs, one with the pose and one without, and we felt that to go along with the fun feel of the movie, we would use the pose. Looking back, it did take away from our professionalism, and should have tried to keep it a bit more serious in places like that.

Team 007 again worked very well together for the assignment. We have been listening to our criticisms in class, and we are taking it all in, and hopefully our movies will continue to improve.

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